Saturday, February 18, 2006

Where's your data?

Until hard drive technology becomes small enough to be used in mobile phones (not as far away as you may think by the way) it is completely impossible to recover data deleted from a mobile phone.

However, It's similarly impossible to remove data stored on a computer hard drive. People who know a little bit about hard-drive technology believe that "writing zeros" to a hard drive removes the old data, however it can still be recovered using modern forensic methods. So what's the solution? Maybe writing random characters? Sorry folks, that's no more effective than writing zero's. If you draw a picture in pencil on a piece of paper, then rub that picture out and draw a different picture on instead, it's still possible to see the original picture from indentations on the page. Hard drive data recovery works on the same principle.
The only real way to truly wipe data from a hard drive is to take it apart and emerse the plates in a strong acid until the magnetic surface is COMPLETELY dissolved. So remember folks, if you're into dodgy things - you will eventually get caught!


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