Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Photophobic french monument... and electricity

Due to the effects of heat expansion the Eiffel tower always leans slightly away from the sun. (well during daylight hours that is).

Actually on todays I want to correct something which was shown to me recently presented as fact in the back of a "Nuts" magazine (of all places) from August last year. The "fact" states that electricity doesn't pass through a wire but rather in a field around the wire. This is utter rubbish. An electrical current is made up of moving electrons through a conductive media (ie a wire). The field around the wire is a magnetic field which is present as a result of the flowing electrons. Electricity is generated by moving a magnetic field around coils of wire but you tend to get electricity and magnetism together in some way shape or form. I know I haven't gone into any specifics (for any physicists reading this) but if you want a fact about electricity that most people dont know...

Many people believe that electricity flows from the positive to the negative but the electrons themselves actually flow from the negative to the positive. Electrons carry a negative charge. (the main reason for this common misconception comes down to terminology like "conventional current" which is used for certain applications fo electricity.)


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