Friday, February 10, 2006

This first one had better be good...

Well hopefully this won't dissapoint.
It's widely believed that statues of millitary folk on horseback show how the rider died by the number of hooves the horse has in the air. This is completely false. I won't bore you with the full explanation and proof but you can find it by following this link

Since this is the first day I'll give you two for the price of one.
Captain Pugwash, an innocent children's cartoon with hugely sexually suggestive characters? Many think so, sorry it's not true. The REAL crew of the Black Pig were cabin boy Tom, pirates Willy and Barnabas, and Master Mate.
This urban legend even lead to the auther, John Ryan, successfully sueing The Guardian newspaper in 1991 for reporting the popular myth as fact.
See... it's been proven in a court of law.
For more info go to

More tomorrow!


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